by Alison Bass | May 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
On Wednesday, Amnesty International published its policy on sex work, calling on governments around the world to decriminalize consensual prostitution and take other steps to protect the human rights of sex workers including ending discrimination against them. The...
by Alison Bass | May 9, 2016 | human trafficking, sex trafficking, sex work, trafficking, Uncategorized, underage prostitution
I have been invited to give a talk on sex work on May 16 at California State University in Los Angeles. My 4:30 pm talk, sponsored by CSU’s Cross-Cultural Centers, will focus on research I gathered for my book, Getting Screwed: Sex Workers and the Law, and why...
by Alison Bass | May 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
There seems to be an international push these days toward making the purchase of sex (but not its sale) illegal. In the 16 years since Sweden criminalized buyers of commercial sex, Norway, Denmark, Canada and most recently, northern Ireland have followed suit. And now...
by Alison Bass | Jan 27, 2016 | human trafficking, law enforcement, prostitution, public health, sex trafficking, sex work, Uncategorized
In early January, law enforcement in the Seattle area shut down a popular website used by sex workers to advertise their services and by customers to review sex workers. Police also raided a number of luxury apartments in Bellevue where women were allegedly selling...
by Alison Bass | Nov 18, 2015 | human trafficking, prostitution, public health, sex work, Uncategorized
My book, Getting Screwed: Sex Workers and the Law, seems to be generating interest among the artsy, progressive crowd, judging by the attendance at recent talks I’ve given and the nice review of the book on WBUR radio’s ARTery site. On Nov. 3, nearly 100...
by Alison Bass | Oct 25, 2015 | human trafficking, media coverage, prostitution, public health, sex trafficking, sex work, Uncategorized, underage prostitution
When it comes to the coverage of sex work or trafficking, the mainstream media often seems to forget a basic journalistic principle — the need to get their facts straight. Here are two recent examples from supposedly top-notch purveyors of journalism. This week,...