Remember Dr. Lawrence DuBuske, the Harvard Medical School allergist whom I outed as the highest paid doctor on GlaxoSmithKline’s payroll for the second quarter of last year? Rather than give up his lucrative speaking and consulting gigs for Glaxo and myriad other drug companies, DuBuske has decided to part ways with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, according to The Boston Globe.
Can’t say I blame him. DuBuske, after all, earned a whopping $99,375 from just Glaxo in only three months last year, as I reported here. He also was getting speaking bucks from Schering-Plough, Merck and Sanofi-Aventis. Indeed, as the disclosures in a March 2009 journal article show, DuBuske is basically on the speaking payroll of every pharmaceutical company that makes or markets allergy drugs in this country.
So when DuBuske was notified that his speaking gigs are now in direct violation of Partners’ new conflict-of-interest policy, he chose to keep the income and dispense with the titles. He only saw patients at Brigham’s on a consult basis, after all, and was a part-time instructor at Harvard Medical School.
DuBuske, however, is also director of the Immunology Research Institute of New England, a nonprofit Gardner-based organization that works with medical researchers throughout Eastern Europe on educational programs and clinical studies of new allergy drugs. It is no doubt his work with this institute and all those bargain-priced clinical researchers in Eastern Europe that makes DuBuske so valuable to allergy drug makers. You can bet he’s not giving that gig up.