For the past four years, I’ve been working on a memoir about how I overcame significant obstacles to become one of the first journalists in the country to write about sexual misconduct by men in positions of power. The narrative is framed by my childhood experience growing up in Bryn Gweled, an unusual intentional community that taught me to challenge the status quo. I recently won a book contract for the memoir, tentatively titled Brassy Broad: How one Journalist helped pave the way to #MeToo, from Bedazzled Ink Publishing, an independent women’s press in California. The book is scheduled to be published in September.

In 1989, I was the first reporter in the nation to write about how common it was for male psychiatrists to have sex with their female patients and how that abuse of trust devastated survivors. I was also the first reporter at The Boston Globe to write about the molestation of children by Catholic priests – a decade ahead of the Spotlight investigation chronicled in the 2016 movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

I will keep readers updated on the exact publication date and will post a book cover when it’s finished. I’m very excited!